2017 CHRISTMAS CODA: The Greek Tycoons

Brand new this year, a gift from Lucy to her readers, her 2017 Christmas Coda: The Greek Tycoons is out now! From internationally best selling author, Lucy Monroe, comes a series of vignettes in the lives of reader favorites from her Harlequin Presents. What you won’t find…a typical book with a beginning, middle, story climax
ANNABELLE’S COURTSHIP Out Now in Print & eBook

After nearly a year out of print due to the publisher closing its doors, the second romance Lucy ever wrote, Annabelle’s Courtship, is available in digital and print again. Get your copy today! An inconvenient proposal. Ian MacKay, Laird of Graenfrae, has no use for love or marriage. However, his stepfather’s will mandates that marriage
SILVER BELLA Available in Print & eBook

Silver Bella, Lucy’s novella originally published in Merry Christmas, Baby is available again in both print and digital. She is the only thing he wants to unwrap. Bella Jackson models clothes only the most sexually confident woman would dare to wear. But there’s a secret hiding behind the bad-girl reputation and barely there couture. Under
Having Fun with NaNoWriMo
For years, I saw all the NaNoWriMo posts on social media and author groups and thought, “Sounds neat, but I’m already writing every day and finishing my books.” Then when I wasn’t finishing my books, I couldn’t imagine adding the pressure of having other writers looking at me like, “Why didn’t you do your word
Second Brand New HP for 2018
Lucy Monroe’s readers are going to be happy to hear that she has finished her second brand new novel for Harlequin Presents (to be published in 2018). Her editor, Flo Nicoll (Sr. Ed. for Presents), was very happy with the story, saying she loved the main characters Basilio (Baz) and Miranda (Randi). Lucy has already
Kostas’ Convenient Bride Finished!
Lucy has a publication date for her completely finished and edited manuscript, Kostas’ Convenient Bride (Harlequin Presents). Look for it May 2018 (and the connected story of Kayla’s sister soon thereafter). Her boss needs a bride… Can she step out of the shadows and down the aisle Discovering her boss, billionaire tycoon Andreas Kostas, must